That is the question.

Sensitised or Sensitive? That is the question.

Some clients tell me, “my skin is sensitive”. One thing I like to establish, is it sensitive or sensitised?

There are skin types, this is the natural state of your skin, something you were born with. Then there are skin conditions, this is something caused by external factors. This is mainly caused by something used on the skin to cause it distress and to react.

Facials at dovecote beauty.

If someone says their skin is suddenly sensitive, this is most definitely sensitised. For example, if you use an exfoliator that is too harsh. Or a moisturiser with Lanolin in (sheep’s sebum) which can cause sensitivity. Then your skin, will react. When your skin reacts and becomes sensitive the best way to describe it is this.

Lanolin is sheep sebum… lovely!

Your skin cells are like building blocks with mortar in between. If a reaction occurs then the mortar will start to wear away. If the mortar wears away then products can enter the skin at a deeper level where they shouldn’t be, causing a reaction. This can result in redness (erythema), itching or even extremely dry, inflamed skin.

If there was no mortar then the products can simply free flow to the basal layer. 

The best thing to do in this situation is to take it back to basics. A gentle cleanser, toner and moisturiser. The ANI Skincare range at Dovecote Beauty is gentle and natural. No nasties are in the products and they are ‘As Nature Intended’. No perfumes, mineral oils or lanolin. Restoring the skin back to its natural state and getting it in optimal condition.

To find out more about your skin please do visit for a facial or speak to me at your next appointment. Remember buying products online isn’t always best, it’s is advisable to have professional help when finding the right skincare for you.



As Nature Intended